Probiotics are bacteria or yeast that are beneficial to the health of the intestinal microbiota. The gut microbiota is the flora of bacteria that occurs naturally in the colon - over 10 trillion bacteria! Consumption of sufficient probiotics has health benefits and may help in the recovery of symptoms in certain diseases.
Which bacteria?
First of all, there are different strains of bacteria and they are present in different quantities depending on the brand of probiotics available on the market. Some strains are more beneficial than others, depending on your health problem, so it is important to determine which strain(s) of bacteria you need. You can also consult a nutritionist who will be able to help you in your approach.
The most common strains are Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, which have been shown to have a protective effect on the intestine.
What dosage?
A minimum of 1 billion cfu per day is required for probiotics to benefit your health. Dosages vary from company to company. The amount in billions you need depends on your health problem, as well as the severity of your symptoms.
An ally in chronic diseases?
These good bacteria have been shown to be beneficial in cases of traveler's diarrhea, infectious diarrhea or diarrhea related to antibiotics, constipation, Clostridium Difficile, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, H.Pylori infections and to prevent relapse of ulcerative colitis. Probiotics could have other effects on the immune system or on mental health, but current studies do not validate their real impact.
If you don't have chronic diseases, probiotics may not be necessary. A more plant-based diet boosts the number of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus bacteria naturally present in the microbiota.
Even so, probiotics taken in the right amount and in a viable form each day can contribute to the health of your colon by allowing the development of a good intestinal microbiota. Probiotics are also not suitable for people who are immunocompromised. If you are unsure which strain you should choose, talk to a nutritionist now for personalized advice.